weapons inspectors | Charles Duelfer

Tag Archives: weapons inspectors

Lavrov’s Plan

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has offered a plan that could provide a way out of the Obammá Syrian dilemma. Lavrov, who was Russian ambassador to the UN during the height of the Iraqi-UN weapons inspection activities, seems to have … Continue reading

Posted in Intelligence, Iran, Syria CW, United Nations, WMD | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Syria CW Use: Who crossed whose red-line?

Did Bashir cross Obama’s redline, or the other way around? The perspective in Damascus may be different. The Syrian situation has taken yet another turn for the worse. Which is to say it has become even more unpredictable. The apparent … Continue reading

Posted in Intelligence, Iran, Syria CW, Uncategorized, WMD | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment