Syrian CW | Charles Duelfer

Tag Archives: Syrian CW

Syria CW – Success, but so what?

Syria has missed its latest deadline to finish removing Chemical agent and precursors from its territory.  However, they almost made it–about 92% done.  Bashar al-Assad clearly has moved to fulfill his obligation to get rid of his CW capability.  There … Continue reading

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Syrian CW – “Funtional Destruction”

The OPCW-UN inspectors for Syria have “completed the functional destruction of critical equipment for all of its declared chemical weapons production facilities and mixing/filling plants, rendering them inoperable.”  This is seven weeks after President Obama, in a dramatic prime time … Continue reading

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The Syrian CW Declaration…So far, so good

Syria has taken the first critical step in the process laid out by Lavrov and Kerry last week in Geneva. Damascus made its initial declaration of its chemical weapons inventory and infrastructure to the technical secretariat of the Organization for … Continue reading

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The Syrian Framework Agreement

The Framework agreement and its two annexes get many things right. The burden of proof and all the heavy lifting are on Syria. The UN weapons inspectors are meant to verify Syrian declarations, direct the aggregation and ultimate disposal of … Continue reading

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Syria CW: How Can We Make it Worse?

Answer: The United States could destroy Bashir’s control over his chemical weapons. and others report that communications intercepts suggest some confusion over the order to use CW. If you were to make a list of things to worry about, … Continue reading

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