Iran Nuclear Agreement | Charles Duelfer

Tag Archives: Iran Nuclear Agreement

Syria CW – Success, but so what?

Syria has missed its latest deadline to finish removing Chemical agent and precursors from its territory.  However, they almost made it–about 92% done.  Bashar al-Assad clearly has moved to fulfill his obligation to get rid of his CW capability.  There … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Russia, Syria CW | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Iran Nuclear Talks – Progress?

The announcement of the new elements coming from the talks with Tehran represents progress of a sort.  Basically there is a trade between Iran’s ongoing ability to enrich uranium (and produce plutonium) that could be used in a weapon and … Continue reading

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The Iran Nuclear Deal

    It is difficult to be categorical when judging this agreement. Much depends upon huge uncertainties that will play out over years or decades.  American politicians are condemned to focus on near-term costs and consequences.  Our system tends to … Continue reading

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